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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I place a non-binding option?

You can place an option without obligation by contacting us by telephone or e-mail. We confirm by e-mail that we have placed a non-binding option and then also communicate the prices and conditions.

How long does an option remain valid?

An option remains valid for 14 days, after which we will contact you to ask whether the option can be confirmed or extended. If we do not receive a response within 5 working days, the option will expire. Do you need longer than 14 days? In most cases it is no problem to hold the option for a longer period of time without obligation.

Can I cancel an option?

Yes, we can cancel an optional option free of charge. An option is always non-binding, until you confirm us that you want to book an artist definitively.

How do I convert the option to a booking?

You can convert the option to a definitive booking by confirming us by e-mail that you want to book the artist definitively. Good to know: from the moment the artist is confirmed in writing, the cancellation conditions apply. From that moment we will keep date occupied/booked for you and reject other requests on this date.

What if there is already an option?

In this case we can place a 2nd option. If you want to confirm the artist definitively, we ask the 1st option to let us know within 48 hours whether or not they want to book the artist. If the 1st option decides to book, we will be happy to offer you a suitable alternative.

I have a 1st option, what if a 2nd optant wants to book the artist?

If a second optant wants to confirm, we ask you to let us know within 48 hours (2 working days) whether or not you want to book the artist. If you are unable to make a decision yet, the option will expire and we will be happy to offer you a suitable alternative.

How do I book an artist?

You can book an artist by contacting us via the contact form, via +31(0)85 3030 897 or

Are there additional costs?

There may be additional costs beyond the artist’s standard price. Additional costs may include; a stage, sound and light, power supply, hot healthy meal for artists and technicians, dressing room with various snacks and drinks, BUMA/STEMRA payment, reimbursement of parking costs and (extra) travel costs. We communicate the most important prices and conditions with an application. When booking an artist, you will receive the rider from us containing the technical requirements and hospitality wishes of the artist.

Deviations from the rider/conditions can lead to extra costs, such as waiting hours due to early build-up or later dismantling or extra stagehands if – for example – there is a staircase. All charges are clearly communicated in advance based on the information we receive. No surprises afterwards!

When have I booked the artist?

An artist is booked as soon as this has been confirmed in writing by the client via e-mail. The final confirmation will follow when we have confirmed the artist by e-mail. Good to know: from this moment on, the cancellation conditions also apply (even if no agreement has been sent yet). We will keep date occupied/booked for you and reject other requests on this date.

Do Terms and Conditions apply?

Our General Terms and Conditions apply to our services and services. These can be found here.

Will I receive an agreement for the booking?

The confirmation from Entertainment Agency also includes a link to our ‘online booking questions’. We ask that you fill this in digitally within 7 days so that we can prepare the agreement and invoice.

Do I have to make a down payment?

We only ask for a down payment of 15% from parties established outside the Netherlands and private individuals. Unfortunately it is not possible to book an artist without a deposit.


BUMA/STEMRA collects fees for the use of copyrighted music. As the organizer of an event, you must pay a fee for this. Please note: this is not necessary for private parties (weddings/birthdays). We do not pay any compensation to BUMA/STEMRA, the client is responsible for this. Want to know more? Check out the BUMA/STEMRA website.

Does the right of withdrawal (14 days' reflection period) apply?

No right of withdrawal applies to our services, for both business Clients and Consumers, as provided in Article 6:230p of the Dutch Civil Code, paragraph e. There is an exception for the provision of services relating to leisure activities if the agreement provides for a specific date or period of performance.

What should I keep in mind when an artist will come and perform at our event?

A performance by an artist requires some preperation and organization. The most important technical requirements and hospitality wishes for the artist are mentioned when the prices are sent (required stage, power and hydraulic conditions, etc.). When booking an artist you will also receive the ‘technical/hospitality rider’ of the artist, which contains a specification of all the technical requirements and hospitality wishes. Do not hesitate to contact us if you are unsure, we are happy to help you.

What if a guest accidentally causes damages to the artist/technic?

The client is liable for any damage caused by visitors/guests/external equipment to (the technic of) the artists. Reimbursement is not always covered by liability insurance. There are special event insurance policies to cover you against this type of damage. Entertainment Agency does not offer insurance.

Do meals have to be provided for the artist(s)?

Depending on the arrival time, it is desirable that the client (in accordance with the hospitality rider of the artist) provides hot healthy meals, various snacks and drinks for the artist. These costs are not included in the price you book the artist for.

Is a stage a required?

Not every artist needs a stage. However, we do advise to place the artist(s) on a stage. Advantages are that the artist is visible to all guests, artist(s) and guests can interact better and it serves as a natural boundary between artist and audience. We want to prevent equipment from getting damaged or guests tripping over the equipment – unfortunately we see this happen regularly. A stage can be booked separately with us. Some locations already have a (permanent) stage in house or a supplier for this.

Is a dressing room required?

A lockable dressing room for the artist is highly desirable. Here the artist can prepare or take a rest during the breaks. The (lockable) dressing room must be equipped with a table, sufficient chairs, a mirror and various snacks and drinks.

Where can I find all the wishes of the artist?

The artist’s wishes for the performance are described in a technical and hospitality rider. It is important to comply with these wishes in order for the performance to run smoothly. If there are deviations, agreements will be made about this. The riders can be requested from us, please contact us.

I would like to change the booked program, is that possible?

Normally this is not a problem, as long as it falls within the agreed production hours of the artist. Waiting hours are calculated outside the standard production hours. This is an extra fixed amount per hour to, for example, being stand-by earlier or to break-down later. In some cases, adjusting the time schedule is not possible, for example when the artist has scheduled another performance before or after. In any case, know that we do our best to always think along.

How does the payment work?

After the final booking of the artist, we charge 25% reservation costs (only for privat events and parties established outside of the Netherlands). This amount must be paid within 14 days. About 5 weeks before the performance you will receive an invoice from us with the remaining amount. This must be received by us no later than 21 days prior to the event.

Is payment afterwards possible?

Unfortunately, payment afterwards is not possible. The invoice must be paid fully 21 days prior to the event. Only in the case of an unavoidable purchasing policy we make mutual agreements about this.

Can I cancel the booked artist?

It is possible to cancel the booked artist. There are cancellation costs involved.

The date of the event has changed. Can I move the booked artist?

Sometimes an event has to be moved, whether or not due to unpleasant circumstances. It is possible to move the booked artist to another date, if the artist is available. There are financial consequences to this, the cancellation costs apply. Of course we try to think along as much as possible where possible.

What are the cancellation costs?

The client is entitled to cancel the agreement. In that case, however, the client is obliged to pay 100% of the order sum. If the client is a consumer (private individual), the client is obliged to compensate the loss suffered as a result of the cancellation by the Agency (including the costs incurred, such as cancellation costs for artists, technic and our administration costs) and the lost profit. This compensation is immediately due and payable.

Can I insure myself against damage and cancellation costs?

It is a very undesirable situation when damage is caused by a guest or you unexpectedly have to move or cancel the event date. This almost always entails extra costs. Not all damages are covered by liability insurance either. Special event and wedding insurance policies exist to insure you against these unexpected costs. Entertainment Agency does not offer insurance itself.

What if I have to cancel due to illness/death?

It may happen that the event cannot take place due to illness or death. Although we find this a very grievous situation, unfortunately it is not a valid reason to be able to cancel free of charge. There are cancellation costs. In order not to be faced with unexpected costs, it is possible to take an event insurance for your event. Entertainment Agency does not provide insurances.

What is the artist it not able to come due to force majeur?

It can happen that a musician or artist falls ill (or a similar force majeur situation). We have a large network, which means that we can almost always provide a replacement artist. There are however certain days in the year (especially May, June, September, December) when many artists are booked. Although we do everything in our power to find an alternative, it can happen that there is absolutely no alternative available. Then the full amount will be refunded.

What is BumaStemra?

BumaStemra is a Dutch organization that collects fees for the use of copyrighted music. As an organizer of an event in the Netherlands, you must apply for a license and pay a fee. In principle, we do not pay any compensation to BumaStemra; the client is responsible for this.

When do we pay compensation?
Some artists (for example famous artists) charge BumaStemra costs together with their fee, which is 7% of the buyout sum. In this case we invoice this 7% to the client. If the client does not want to pay a license fee through us and wants to arrange this bij thereselfs with BumaStemra, this is also possible. In this case, we ask you to provide the BumaStemra license number (mandatory), so that we can pass this on to the artist or his representative. Without the 7% fee or the license number it is unfortunately not possible to book the artist.

Do I have to pay BumaStemra?
Events of a private nature, such as a wedding or a birthday, are exempt from a license and therefore do not have to pay a BumaStemra fee. Business events and public events must have a license.

What if I have booked multiple artists?
It may happen that you book multiple artists for the same event and pay BumaStemra for one artist and not for the other. In that case, BumaStemra will make a settlement with the total fee due for the license for the event, so that you do not pay too much or too little for the license. Want to know more? View the BumaStemra website.